Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Bold Move of Progress and Equitism!

I just returned from the Generating Convention of the Christ's Reforming Unifying Diaconate of the Prebystery Episcopated Church (CRUDPEC). Truly godde has done a new thing in the church that s/he/it has greatly blessed!

We in CRUDPEC pride ourselves in making the greatest strides towards true justice, more so than that backward lot in the Episcopate Church (TEC) or the arch-fundamentalist United Christ's Church. While those uncontested bastions of medievalism are barely starting to hear of the bold rejection of gender distinctions boldly proclaimed by Testostercone, the spirit of God/dess has passed over them and given us a bold new thing.

We have elected +Pollywannacracker to be the first avian Presiding Bishop of any denomination! The vote was overwhelming and affirmative, as we had shedded the last of the reactionary zealots that insist on a human-only ordination. No one had yet dared acheived such an act of inclusionary justice, although sibling group, the Revolutionary Catholic Church in Cleveland, had previously allowed the ordination of Fido+, a loving Labrador, as a priest. However, we have further broken down the barriers of species for Christ/a's transgressive love.

After chirping a beautiful liturgy, our new Presiding Bishop-elect addressed those assembled with a stirring charge: "Pretty Bird!" Indeed, we have given the pretty bird to the Church Universal as a gift. Of course, those fundamentalists that control all the other mainline denominations still insist on making distinctions between anything (human/unhuman, male/female/ect, progressive/reactionary, right/left) and will be slow to awaken to this new thing. And those bearers of the banner of Trinitarianism and Crusade at Biola University will no doubt consider this quite funny. But, in truth, it is the Pretty Bird of the Holy Spirit who laughs over them all.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

People are women 2: Adventures in logic pt.2

The matrix teaches us that there is no spoon. Maybe the rabbit hole goes deeper: maybe there's no binary.

On/off, black/white, rich/poor, male/female, gay/straight... maybe these concepts aren't as distinct from each other as we have been made to believe. Maybe there's part of Off that bleeds over into On, and so forth.

Sure we need binary to run computers, but here in the real world (are you with me Bloggers!) life isn't run by 1s and 0s. When it comes down to it people aren't algebraic: there is not x and y (except with chromosomes, but what bearing do they have?).

It has already been proven by Xeno that you can't touch any objects or reach any destination, and this due to the one-ness and connection of the universe. It has already been strongly defended by Augustine that death is actually seperation. And Hitler was driven to anthropological experiments aimed at distinguishing races by his evil Satanic uncle Rasputin. What does this teach us? Difference is bad.

According to my recent data, continuums are ok though. For Xeno can say: "It's cool, I'll be able to touch the door because I move through the magnificent continuum of stuff."

Ok, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "If there's no discernable difference between anything, then what ground do I have to stand on when arguing with the car dealership about getting my new Scion in red instead of pink?" I say, it's cuz there are some times that you can draw lines on the continuum and decide not to cross them.

Having solved that problem; here's the point. There is no spoon. Spoon is an established point in the utinsel continuum. There is no gay: there is only variation on the sexuality continuum, with Anne Heche sitting about in the middle.

Don't be ignorant, see things in their context. Be real and reject your binary ignoramia. Be understanding and realize there is no difference. In todays intolerant world, it will make all the difference.