The A-Team Driving School...
Is a TOTAL FRAUD!!! OMG so i was at this business park to go see this guy about getting some work done for me, well actually for a friend when i saw on the bottom floor next to the stairwell a very plain looking door with a simple sign that said "A-Team Driving School Office." At first i thought i must be seeing things and since i didn't really remember what happened last night afte playing the Equilibrium Drinking Game (where i drink every time someone dies, it gets really crazy at the end). So i counted my seeing that sign as just some effect from the previous night. So i go and talk to the guy, lets just call him Ahmed. After getting him up to speed i told his errend man where to go and it was all set up. on my way back down i saw the same door and it still had the sign on it. So i knew i couldn't be seeing things. Thankfully i have the bloggers best cyber-tool... a camera phone! so i took this picture as proof of the business.
here isthe picture:
I was really starting to get excited maybe i would finially be able to learn the skills of BA Baracus from the A-Team and be able to drive a GMC van at top speed. So of course what i was expecting was to be learning how to drive something like this:
and be able to leave trails of destruction like this:
As i prepared to open the door i got myself ready for the awe of meeting someone who could teach me how to drive a GMC van and blow things up at the same time.
Upon opening the door i was surprised to see a clean looking office with as asain receptionist sitting at the desk.
"can i help you?" she asked
"Is this where you learn how to drive like the A-Team?" i replied
"Yes, it is! What kind of licence do you want?" she said
"licence?" i said. I didn't know i needed a licence to drive like that, but i guess it made sense because you can't just let anyone drive like BA Baracus.
"Yes" she said "you need, class C, class B?"
"Umm... isn't this where i learn how to drive like that crack commando unit that ten years ago was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. who promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. And today, is still wanted by the government, and are surviving as soldiers of fortune. The ones who if you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find them...maybe you can hire The A- Team."
She looked very confused and said there must be some kind of mix up because this was just a driving school.
How lame!!! here i was seeminly moments away from the coolest moment of my life and it turns out to be some kind of adult driving school... hmm adult driving school, that reminds me of another miscommunication i had once.
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